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CDNetworks Documentation

Reports permalink

The ECP reporting feature enables you to retrieve reports on both your resource requests (CPU, RAM, disks, and IP) and real-time traffic data.

You can query reports for up to one year (366 days, which includes Leap Day). The report granularity can be as high as 1-minute or from medium to low, such as 5-minute, hourly, daily, and monthly.

If you are a reseller with child accounts, you can select the accounts that a report will cover (the parent account only, the child accounts only, or both the parent and child accounts).

Reports Page permalink

Reports are generated from the Reports page. To display this page, click Reports in the left pane.

The following figure shows the key elements on the page.

1Specify the report type, date range, report interval, and server group. Resellers with child accounts can also select a report range.
2The Generate Report button allows you to generate the report defined by the report parameters.

Understanding Report Types permalink

The ECP supports the following type of reports. You select a report type from the Report Type drop-down list on the Reports page.

BandwidthShows 95th percentile bandwidth of incoming/outgoing/total traffic, average bandwidth, and how the bandwidth changes over time.
TrafficShows volumes of incoming/outgoing/total traffic, and how the volumes change over time.
CPUShows peak CPU requests and how the requests change over time.
MemoryShows peak RAM requests and how the requests change over time.
StorageShows peak local-SSD and persist-SSD storage requests, and how the requests change over time.
Pods & Public IPsShows peak pods and IP addresses requests, and how the requests change over time.

Generating Reports permalink

  1. In the left pane, click Reports.
  2. Complete the fields in the Reports form. Required fields are denoted by an asterisk (*).

Report TypeSelect the type of report you want to generate.
Date RangeSelect a start date and an end date, or a preset time span for the report. Use the UTC drop-down list to select a time zone.
Report IntervalSelect the granularity of the returned data. Choices are:
  • 1 Minute = this interval is supported when the time span does not exceed 7 days.
  • 5 Minutes = this interval is supported when the time span does not exceed 31 days.
  • 1 Hour.
  • 1 Day.
  • 1 Month.
Raw report data is generated every minute. The data is then aggregated to provide reports of different granularities. The aggregation method is “SUM” for the metrics "inboundTraffic," "outboundTraffic," and "totalTraffic." For all other metrics, the aggregation method is "AVERAGE."
Server GroupSelect one or more server group options.
  • All = all server groups. (default).
  • Standard = standard server group.
  • Premium = premium server group.
  • Premium+ = premium+ server group.
  • Ultra = ultra server group.
Report RangeIf you are a reseller with child accounts, select the accounts that this report will cover. Choices are:
  • This Account Only.
  • Children Accounts Only.
  • This Account + Children. (default)
  1. Click the Generate Report button to generate the report.
  2. With a generated report (similar to the one below) displayed at the bottom of the form, you can:
    • Hold your cursor over data points in the report to view detailed information.
    • Use the icons at the right side of the report to zoom regions, cancel zoom, and reset zoom.
    • Use the Download button at the top-right of the report to download the report in JPEG, PNG, and PDF formats.