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CDNetworks Documentation

Managing Prefetch Requests permalink

CDN Pro supports a prefetch function that warms the CDN Pro cache with new content from your origin server in order to accelerate content delivery to users. When users make requests for the prefetched content, CDN Pro already has the requested content and can serve it immediately without a round trip to the origin.

Prefetch activities are performed from the following page. To display this page, click Content Management > Prefetch in the left pane.

The following figure shows the key elements on the page, and the table following the figure describes them.


1To filter prefetches, type characters in this field and then press the Enter key. Only prefetches containing the typed characters will be shown. Filtering is not case-sensitive. To remove the filter, click the x icon at the right side of the search field.
2Each prefetch appears on its own row. Clicking an ID shows detailed information about the prefetch.
3The button to create prefetch requests.

Creating a Prefetch Request permalink

To create a prefetch request:

  1. In the left pane, click Content Management, and then select Prefetch.
  2. At the top right of the page, click the Create Prefetch button.
  3. Complete the fields in the Prefetch form. Required fields are denoted by an asterisk (*). The top of the form shows the percentage of the daily prefetch quota that has been used.

purge form

URLsEnter the URLs you want to prefetch. The URLs you prefetch must be for hostnames of properties deployed to production. Separate multiple URLs with a carriage return.
RegionsSelect the regions in which the prefetch will be performed. Omitting a location means the prefetch will be performed by all servers in all regions.
Start TimeSpecify the date and time when the prefetch should be conducted. The time is specified in UTC format (for example, 2021-03-06T00:00:00Z).
Note: Start time can be left empty to request an immediate prefetch.
  1. Click Start Prefetch.