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CDNetworks Documentation

Managing Logs permalink

CDN Pro allows you to export logs that show requests made to a hostname. Before you export logs, you must specify the format of the logs by creating a log configuration for the hostname. Otherwise, no logs will be available for exporting.

Creating a Log Configuration permalink

To create a log configuration:

  1. In the left pane, click Reports, and then select Access Log.
  2. At the top right, click Configuration.

configure log1

  1. To search for a hostname, enter the name in the Search for a hostname field.
  2. Click +Create Log Configuration.
  3. Complete the fields in the next form that appears, and then click +Create Log Configuration.

configure log2

DescriptionEnter a description for the log configuration.
HostnamesEnter a list of hostnames to which the log configuration applies. Separate multiple hostnames with a space or carriage return. A hostname can be:
  • A fully qualified domain name such as
  • A wildcard domain name with a leading asterisk such as *
  • A single asterisk to apply the log configuration to all hostnames.
Note: Make sure only one log configuration applies to each hostname.
Days to Store LogsSpecify the number of days (from 1 to 30) that the logs will be stored.
Time Span of Log FilesSpecify, in minutes, the time interval at which CDN Pro saves log files.
Log FormatSpecify the format of the log entry. You can use the variables in the following section to create a custom format. If a variable value contains non-printable characters (ASCII characters <=0x1F or >=0x7F), double quotes, or backslash, these characters will be escaped to a format such as \xXX. For example, double quotes will become \x22 and a backslash will become \x5C.
Note: A space is not escaped. To facilitate parsing, quote variables that may contain spaces.

Using Variables to Format Logs permalink

The following table shows the variables you can use in the Log Format field to customize the format of logs.

%apachetTime in the Common Log Format, for example, 03/Apr/2023:07:49:03 +0000
%cachestateHIT, MISS, or REVALIDATE
%cltipClient IP address
%cltispClient ISP
%cltportClient port number
%cltregionClient region
%content_codeContent code. Values can be set in Edge Logic by setting the $content_code variable
%cpu_nsCPU time, in nanoseconds, for this request
%custom_1Refers to a custom log field with ID 1 you define using the custom_log_field directive
%custom_2Refers to a custom log field with ID 2 you define using the custom_log_field directive
%hostnameHost header
%methodHTTP method used to access the content (for example, GET)
%protocolHTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, or HTTP2.0
%querystrQuery string
%refererReferer request header
%reqrangeRange header in requests from client
%reqhdrsizeRequest header length
%reqsizeRequest length (including request line, header, and request body)
%rmtuserUser name extracted from the Authorization header when basic authentication is used
%rspsizeHTTP response size, in bytes, including header and body, but not including TCP/IP/MAC
%rsptimeResponse time in milliseconds
%samplerateNumber of requests corresponding to each log entry
%schemehttp or https
%statuscodeResponse's status code (for example, 200)
%svripIP address of the CDN server handling the request
%svrnodeCache server node name
%tcprttRound trip time, in microseconds, between server and client
%uaUser-agent header
%uniqueidString uniquely identifying this request
%urlFull URL with query string, if any
%utctimeRFC 3339 timestamp of the response (for example, 2021-10-05T12:34:56Z)

Exporting Logs permalink

After you create a log configuration, use the following procedure to export logs:

  1. In the left pane, click Reports, and then select Access Log.

configure log2

  1. In the top field, select a hostname.
  2. In the bottom field, specify the date range and time.
  3. Click Export Logs.

Note: If no configurations match the specified hostname, a message asks whether you want to create a log configuration for the hostname.

Editing Log Configurations permalink

  1. In the left pane, click Reports, and then select Access Log.
  2. At the top right, click Configuration.
  3. To edit a log configuration, either click the ellipses to the right of the log configuration and choose Edit or open the log configuration and click the Edit button.
  4. Make your changes in the Edit Log Configuration form.
  5. Click Save.

Deleting Log Configurations permalink

  1. In the left pane, click Reports, and then select Access Log.
  2. At the top right, click Configuration.
  3. To delete a log configuration, either click the ellipses to the right of the log configuration and choose Delete or open the log configuration and click the Delete button.
  4. When prompted to confirm the deletion, click Yes, delete to delete the log configuration.